Form 98-Affidavit verifying Inventory

Form 98-Affidavit verifying Inventory

Form 98.

O.19, r.72


(As to heading, see O.19, r.3.)

On . . . , 20..., I (name, address and occupation) say on oath-

1. The paper writing hereto annexed marked A is a true inventory of all and singular the real and personal estate and effects of A.B., late of . . . , deceased, who died on or about . . . , at . . . , which have at any time since his death come to the hands, possession, or knowledge of me, C.D. (or us, C.D. and E.F. (and G.H.)), the executor (or executors) of the will (or administrator (or administrators) with the will of the personal estate) of the said A.B. (or administrator (or . . . administrators) of the (real and) personal estate of the said A.B. (or as the case may be)), or to the hands or possession of any person for me (or us or any (or either) of us), and is made upon and by virtue of the undertaking contained in my (or our) petition filed on . . .

2. And I (or we, each speaking positively for himself and to the best of his\ knowledge and belief as to other persons,) further say that, except as appears in the said paper writing no (real or) personal estate of or belonging to the said deceased has at any time since his death come to my (or our) hands, possession, or knowledge, or the hands or possession of (any (or either) of us or) any person for me (or us or any (or either) of us).

(In the case of two or more executors, use the words in brackets.)

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