Form 102-Summons

Form 102-Summons

Form 102.

O.20, r.6


The plaintiff claims an order for the adoption of . . . (name) in favour of . . . (name) and . . . (name).



(surname) (surname)

(other names) (other names) (sex)

(occupation) Born . .

. , 19... (address)

at . . . (place) AND

Father: (surname) (surname)

(other names) (other names)

Mother: (maiden surname) (occupation)

(other names) (address)

Time and place for hearing

Time: . . . , 20..., at . . . a.m./p.m.

Place: (address of Court)

Plaintiff: (name, address and occupation)

Solicitor: (name, address and telephone number)

Solicitor's agent: (name, address and telephone number)

Plaintiff's address for service: (Order 6 Rule 7)

Address of Registry: (set out)

(where applicable,

The plaintiff requests that this application be dealt with by the Court in the absence of the public without any attendance by or on behalf of the plaintiff or applicant.)

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