Form 114-Bail Bond

Form 114-Bail Bond

Form 114.

O.21, r.16


(heading as in Form 105)

WHEREAS this Admiralty action in rem against the above-mentioned property is pending in the National Court of Justice and the parties to the said action are the above-mentioned plaintiffs and defendants:

NOW, THEREFORE, WE, A.B. of . . . and C.D. of . . . hereby jointly and severally submit ourselves to the jurisdiction of the said Court and consent that if they, the above-mentioned defendants (or plaintiffs, in the case of a counterclaim) do not pay what may be adjudged against them in this action, with costs, or do not pay any sum due to be paid by them in consequence of any admission of liability therein or under any agreement by which this action is settled before judgement and which is filed in the said Court, execution may issue against us, our executors or administrators, goods and chattels, for the amount unpaid or an amount of K . . . whichever is the less.


This bail bond was signed by the said A.B. and C.D., the sureties, the . . . day of . . . 20... Before me . . .

A Commissioner for Oaths

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