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Schedule A.-Notice for Directions Hearing


(Title of proceedings)



Appellant /Lawyer:\ Respondent/Lawyer:

Take note that the appeal is listed for Directions Hearing before a judge of the National Court at . . . (Courthouse) at . . . a.m./p.m. on the day of . . .20. . .

You are required to attend at the Directions Hearing to assist the judge deal with the matters listed below.

At the Directions Hearing, the judge will consider, amongst other things, the following:

(a) Question of legal representation.

(b) Failure to comply with any condition precedent to the right of appeal prescribed by statute.

(c) Dispensation or waiver of any condition precedent to the right of appeal prescribed by statute.

(d) The grounds of appeal.

(e) The issues on appeal.

(f) Availability of Court or Tribunal depositions including reasons for decision or report.

(g) Compilation of Appeal Book.

(h) Manner of presentation of arguments including filing of extract of arguments.

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