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Schedule B.-Pre-Hearing Conference Form


(to be completed by Judge's Associate after Pre-hearing Conference)

Title of proceedings: . . .

1. Lawyer for the Plaintiff & Counsel:

2. Lawyer for Defendant & Counsel:

3. Nature of claim:

4. Issues of fact:

5. Legal issues:

6. Statement of agreed and disputed facts filed:

7. Number of witnesses for Plaintiff -

- Giving affidavit evidence only:

- Giving oral evidence:

8. Number of Defence witnesses -

- Giving affidavit evidence only:

- Giving oral evidence:

9. Expert witnesses:

10. Documentary and physical evidence:

11. Witnesses summonsed to give evidence:

12. Pleadings Book filed:

13. Duration of trial:

14. Whether out of court settlement attempted and exhausted:

15. Whether all necessary interlocutory processes have been completed:

16. Date and time of trial:

Dated this . . . day of . . . 20 . . .

Prepared by:

. . .\

Name and signature of Associate to Judge

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